I also took the girls to the Pumpkin Patch, they loved the rides and all of the pumpkins. They were a little nervous going down the big slide, so they had a little help from one of the workers. It was pretty funny seeing them going down the slide with him!
Abbott Updates
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October Festivities!
Well, so far October has been a busy month. But, one of my favorite times of year. We celebrated Jada and Luke's birthday with family on October 7th. On Luke's birthday we took him, Colt, Cade and Josh out of school early. The boy's blindfolded Luke, and we went to King Putt's, and played Laser Tag, and also played many games to win tickets to pick out a prizes! We had the place to ourselves, the boys had a blast! Luke said it was the best birthday ever! I am so glad, because he was bummed he did not get to have a friend party. Luke is still at a fun age where he gets excited about everything. He loves playing with friends and his brothers. Whenever we can't find Luke, we look in the front yard and he is either shooting hoops or riding his bike. He loves to be outside and playing catch with his dad. Oh, and he is also amazing at Mario Cart and Bowling on the Wii. I played him in bowling the other day and he bowled 4 strikes in a row! We love you Luke!
We also had a fun day on Jada's birthday! She was happy to see her brother Josh play in his Flag Football game and then we took her to McDonald's for dinner. She loves to follow her sister everywhere. She is the best climber, her favorite climbing spots are the kitchen table and the pantry! She still does not say much, but she can make herself heard through high pitch screams, and pulling my hand to where she wants to go. Her curls are adorable and I have yet to trim her hair. Everyone in the house adores Little Miss Jada!
I also took the girls to the Pumpkin Patch, they loved the rides and all of the pumpkins. They were a little nervous going down the big slide, so they had a little help from one of the workers. It was pretty funny seeing them going down the slide with him!
I also took the girls to the Pumpkin Patch, they loved the rides and all of the pumpkins. They were a little nervous going down the big slide, so they had a little help from one of the workers. It was pretty funny seeing them going down the slide with him!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Cousins Week!
My sister Tracy left her girls with me for one week. Sophia decided to stay an extra week, she was having too much fun! It was nice having Sophia and Selena stay with us. The boys were in heaven having their cousins here to play with every day when they got home from school. Yes, school in the summer, that was the only bummer, I did let them skip one day while they were here, I hate school in the summer and I am so looking forward to 9 month school next year! We always have a lot of company in the summer time, so it will be nice not to have to worry about school!
The girls were able to spend 4th of July with us.
At the last minute we decided to stay home and set fireworks off in front of our house. A few families from the ward joined us along with Jon and Rachelle, lots of fun.
The kids swam everyday, a few times a day. We also took the kids boating and to see Toy Story 3. It was nice they got to spend so much time with their Maryland cousins that they don't see very often.
After we saw Toy Story 3. The kids went straight up to our loft and pulled out all of their old toys that they haven't played with in months! So cute! Excellent movie, my favorite so far!
Monday, July 19, 2010
It's A GIrl!!!!
So Jason and I had decided since this is our last child we were not going to find out what we were having. We wanted to be surprised at the birth of our little baby. Well this morning I had to go in for another ultra sound, due to concerns the doctor had with my placenta. Everything was fine, but I could not resist to ask if she knew what the sex was, and the technician said she did. So Jason and I caved in and told her to tell us, so she did! So much for waiting......oh well, we are very happy to know we are having another girl!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Grandpa Abbott
For those of you who have not heard, Jason's father was diagnosed with IBC, (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) on Christmas Eve. It is a very rare and aggressive form of breast cancer. Unfortunately he is uninsured. There is an auction on my sister-in-laws blog that will be going on for one more week. All proceeds for the auction will go to the Garth Abbott fund. Today is the last day to post an item to bid. Tuesday Jan. 19 will be the last day to bid.
There are so many items, it is amazing..... from teeth whitening to tax document services, Utah Jazz tickets to a batch of homeade cookies. Even if you do not live in the Las Vegas area
there are items to bid on.Please check it out and tell your friends.
This has been an emotional roller coaster for all those who know and love Garth. There has been an outpouring of services, donations, letters of concern, from people everywhere. I know how appreciative he and Diana are for all that has been done for them so far, and for what continues to be done.
I knew Garth even before I met Jason. He was my Bishop in the University Ward. It is hard to express in words the gratitude I have for having him in my life. The times I sat in his Bishop's office with questions of concerns, he always gave great advice and seemed to say exactly what I needed to hear. I always left feeling uplifted and encouraged. I was blessed to have him as a Bishop and feel even more blessed to have him as a father-in-law. My children adore him and look forward to every minute they get to spend with Grandpa Abbott. Thanks for all of your support.
Here is the website for the auction www.thedailyabbott.blogspot.com

I also forgot to mention that their will be a garage sale for Garth on morning of February 27th @ Michelle Tanner's home 639 Foxhall Rd, if you have any items let me know.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Cade was baptized last Saturday. He has been excited all year. We attended the 8 is great, where the primary presidency prepares the children turning 8 with booklets and talks. He received all of this last January, so he has been ready!

Jason took Cade to his interview with the Bishop. It went really well. Jason said that Cade seemed nervous at first but quickly warmed up as our wonderful Bishop began his interview. Jason said there was a really good spirit in the room and was grateful for the experience he had with Cade that day.
His baptism day was filled with the same spirit. It was such a good day. We had most of our family with us, some traveled up that same day, some came the night before. Cade was really excited for his
cousins to come share this day with him. We were also able to share this day with our friends the
Gabaldons, their daughter Ellie was baptised. They have become our good friends and our neighbors so we were so happy to share this day with them. Cade also had both sets of grandparents there. His grandpa's were able to stand as the witnesses to the baptism.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Our Sunday Photo Shots!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Luke's preschool class, he decided to be Mr. Incredible instead of batman......with his cowboy hat!

I thought I better post some pics of Halloween before Thanksgiving arrives! The kids had a fun October they were able to wear there costumes at their cousin Niamhs birthday party and then again on Halloween night and of course around the house several times. Cade and Josh were Duke and Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe. Luke was batman, and Isabel was a little ladybug. We loved to sing to her "She's a lady whoa oh, oh, she's a lady" from the boys bugs play at school. She was soooo good she sat in her carrier so happy to walk around the neighborhood as the boys went trick-or-treating with cousins Gavin and Tyrone. Jason had to work all day but arrived home just in time to come out with us! After trick-or-treating Jason's family came over for dinner... lot's of fun!
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